Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kelly Makes the Quarter Century Mark and Molly's Right Behnind

We celebrated Molly's 20th birthday and Kelly's 25th birthday yesterday. Matt and Brenna came to party, too, and, as always I was happy to have all six of us together. I offered to take them out to dinner, but they wanted me to make something. Since we don't eat out (ever) I thought they would think it was special to eat out, but either to save our budget or because they really do like my cooking they wanted to eat at home. "What do you want? I'll make you anything." Molly wanted that famous special occasion birthday dinner tuna casserole. Tuna casserole?!!! (Although I do have a recipe from scratch--not made with canned soup--that I like, too.) I ended up making these Salmon/Pineapple/Green Pepper Shish Kabobs with Israeli couscous.
They originally wanted an ice cream cake, but Molly chose this delicious tart instead. (With Kelly's permission.) It's always so fun to hear their stories, see their thrift store purchases, and view the newest TED talk or Youtube video with them. They always find the most interesting entertainment on the web.

I already wrote about how proud I am of Molly, and Kelly is every bit as amazing. She makes me laugh, she brings home great kindergarten stories each day, she is living out her faith, she has good common sense ideas, and is a wonderful daughter. I'm so lucky.

Happy birthday to my special girls! May the Lord shower his best blessings on you this year.

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