The picture is in front of Saint Mark's Basilica where the gospel writer is buried. The benches you see are crowded and dangerous, but the only way to walk around the city without getting drenched. As it was I arrived back at the hotel frozen, and soaked. Even the items in my purse were soggy-money in my money holder, kleenex, and my Splenda. It was very fun, however. We watched them blowing Venetian glass, and making lace (an old tradition that had died out, but is being revived--quite beautiful and painstaking.) Reid was the only one from our group who went on the gondola ride, and he really had fun. I opted for the coffee shop instead of 35 minutes sitting in the open boats in the cold rain. The temperature was in the low 40s. Besides, I'd rather do a gondola for the first time with Jim. I'm really missing my travel partner here. I hope we can return here together.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
The picture is in front of Saint Mark's Basilica where the gospel writer is buried. The benches you see are crowded and dangerous, but the only way to walk around the city without getting drenched. As it was I arrived back at the hotel frozen, and soaked. Even the items in my purse were soggy-money in my money holder, kleenex, and my Splenda. It was very fun, however. We watched them blowing Venetian glass, and making lace (an old tradition that had died out, but is being revived--quite beautiful and painstaking.) Reid was the only one from our group who went on the gondola ride, and he really had fun. I opted for the coffee shop instead of 35 minutes sitting in the open boats in the cold rain. The temperature was in the low 40s. Besides, I'd rather do a gondola for the first time with Jim. I'm really missing my travel partner here. I hope we can return here together.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
We're in Italy! I am here as a chaperone to three students and three adults related to them. We are in a small beach resort near Venice. We had two very long flights with tehnical problems and delays, but we made it. We had the best spaghetti at this restaurant that I've ever had in my life! You know how when you eat American food in a foreign country it doesn't taste right? Seems as though this is true for Italian food in America, too. The noodles were handmade and the sauce was amazing.
Written on the flight to Italy
I feel so out of control of my life. There have been so many horrible events that have blindsided me in the past six months (nephew dying, 10 trips to the ER, my dad’s final passing, court stuff) that I am waiting for the next thing. I live protectively cowered, half-expecting the next blow. My refrigerator is very clean and my Tupperware drawers and dishes cabinets are tidy. These are things I can control.
The graveside service is over, and the last phone call is made. There’s no more defending myself from the woman who wanted to sell me the more expensive vault with the “better seal” (seal? Huh?), or the mortician who implied Dad needed a cosmetologist even if there wasn’t viewing. There are no more errands or huge crowds to feed three times a day. I’m on a plane to Italy and finally have nothing to do next. This is good, but has made the emotions surface. I can’t control where grief hits me, and often it’s a very public place, like this plane. I just can’t stop crying.
The service was beautiful. I loved the military honors with the flag-folding ceremony and the 21-gun salute. I memorized Hebrews this year, and Pastor Paul used verses from that book in the message of encouragement. Since the verses were so very familiar to me, they were powerfully comforting. I wondered at the time if people who don’t share my faith were bored, but then I figured, I wasn’t going to think about that. This is a time to be a little selfish. I was so happy that my dear friends KW, KA, RP, and KD, who have been such a comfort and support to me this year, came. I have a cousin who is mentally ill, and I hadn’t seen her for awhile. She’s my age and I always loved seeing her. Once she made my girls pancakes after a swimming lesson, and they must have eaten thirty pancakes each. But yesterday I realized those times are over. She couldn’t string a coherent sentence together. The long family history of mental illness has made its evil mark again. This was sad to me. No wonder she’s being such a pain in the neck as a ranch partner. It was fun to see my other cousins and to walk through the avocado groves at our family ranch after the service.
Monday, March 23, 2009
The Tenth and Final 911 Call

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Welcome to the Middle
Monday, March 16, 2009
Set off the Fireworks
Friday, March 13, 2009
Is it Possible to be TOO Nice?
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Honor One Another Above Yourself
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
There are Good Days, Too
Just when I think I can't make it through and am ready to dissolve into a puddle on the floor, God will send me an amazing sign of His love. After the two ER visits last week, I was really struggling. My friend PD, who is a pastor, gave me huge encouragement and hope as we talked about his struggles that are every bit as hard as mine. KA came and pruned all my roses with me. Half the time she spoke another language with phrases like like ratchet pruners, swelling at the leaf scar, and air circulation. The yard looked beautiful when we were done, and my spirits were lifted, too.