Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pray for the Romania team

The Romania IMPACT team had hurdles to overcome all week at Cross Training. Their leader, BR, got pneumonia, and wasn’t able to go. The team is composed of active teens (mostly boys) whose favorite game at Cross Training was called “Street Fighter” and involved a lot of yelling. The co-leader is amazing, but not much older than the team members. Meanwhile, the associate pastor of the church many of the youngsters attend volunteered to drop everything he was doing and co-lead the team. Praise God! When we stopped off to relax at a house on the way to the airport, it was discovered that one of the passports was missing. The kids tore apart their bags and prayed. The father of the boy with the lost passport drove him to the consulate, and got almost there when the passport was found. This team has certainly been through the Refiner’s fire. Pray for them! Both the Turkey and Romania teams traveled on the same plane to London. It left at 9:00 PM. The newly-appointed Romania leader had a wedding to do at 5:00. We gave a huge cheer when he showed up at the LAX gate with time to spare. I can see us all depending on Him more and more, especially as we see answers to specific prayers. (The picture is of Cindy, Jenn and me on the plane)

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